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I am selling my Wickimix® soil but I think I should just make a few comments on how I operate. Poor diet is the basic cause of the world’s worst health problem – basically internal fat around the body organs which leads to such deceases as diabetes, heart decease, strokes, cancer etc.

 In my January newletter (www.waterright.com.au/Newsletter_Jan_2015)
I explained why this is such a personal issue for me.

Hobiness is a word I made up to try and describe what I do - it is a combination of hobby and business.

The idea of burying a sheet of plastic in the ground to stop water escaping beyond the root zone occurred to me while I was working in Ethiopia almost twenty years ago when I was looking for a way of providing sustenance food for starving people in times of drought.

Nothing could be far from a commercial operation and I was anxious to share my ideas with anyone and anybody who would listen.
Many people said it would not work because the water would turn putrid. That is absolutely true if you don’t do it the right way.

I have written at length about how to operate a wicking bed but still get enquires from people who have a wicking bed which has turned putrid.
Since then wicking beds have become universal. Unfortunately some commercial companies are promoting their own version of wicking beds without fully understanding how wicking beds really should work or any acknowledgment of my intellectual property.

I am not anti-business, I ran my own company for many years and to stay in business companies have to make money. However I do think that the ethics of the massive processed food industry is leading to the world greatest health crisis excess sugar leading to obesity which in turn leads to diabetes, heat decease, strokes, cancer etc.

I see it as very little difference between the way they act and the tobacco companies.

There is little anyone can do, even Governments against the might of these multi-national companies.

I cannot change the way people eat, but if they want to eat a healthier diet I can make the technology I have developed available. But I do not want to repeat the mistakes I made with original wicking bed concept and make my technology available without any restrictions.

I therefore have adopted the principle of Creative Commons. In essence this means that

- anyone can reproduce any of my writings provided they acknowledge the author
- that the information can be used for private but not for commercial use
- it any organisation want to use this technology for commercial use they must obtain a formal license