Coaches  16Dec2015


Registry of coaches

Below is a list of coaches, click to take you to their details return to bring you back here
New South Wales
Philippa Coltart   Port Stephans Mid coast  general advice
Jim Block   wicking bed construction and general advice
Northern Territory
Alan Singleton   Toowoomba  full service
Elaine de Saxe  visit by appointment only
Colin Austin  Gin Gin Advice on wicking beds and soils
South Australia
William Mansell    Full service
John Bentley   Advice on wicking bed construction
John Ashworth
West Australia
 Araluen Hagan  Full service
Chris Alstrin  Colorado


Chris Alstrin


2232 Monteagle St

Colorado Springs, CO



Experience and qualifications

BA at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs in Geography and Environmental Studies

Senior Field Instructor with Rocky Mountain Field institute for 5 years dedicated to the conservation

and stewardship of public lands in the Southern Rockies through restoration projects, environmental

education and restoration research.

Wicking Beds Constructed

Has made 6 large (4'x8') wicking beds enclosed boxes. Constantly tweaking the design for friends

interested in a similar design.

Services Offered

General advice and consulting on the wicking bed construction and use.

Products offered

Will build custom designed wicking bed systems for a fee. Please call to discuss.

Bio-packs: A combination of hot plant of mycorrhizal fungi, worm eggs of selected varieties for soil

regeneration, and micro-nutrients. Price $25




Coach Profile: South Australia


Name: William Mansell 

Address: 9A Heather Rd, Heathfield South Australia 5153 

Telephone: 0429697749 


Experiences and qualifications 

-        Degrees in Sociology and Education


-        Registered Teacher


-        Permaculture gardener for 25 years


-        Have been self employed for last 13 years with a business called Habitat Solutions, working primarily with remote indigenous communities with a focus on renewable energy and sustainable water infrastructure, large scale biodiversity conservation projects, language, heritage and cultural maintenance projects and sustainable housing management.


-        Am also involved in community gardening and run a school garden project on a volunteer basis. 

Wicking beds constructed

-        Have made a lot of wicking beds from small plastic containers through to large closed and open wicking beds.

Old School Community Garden                                Alice Springs Open Wicking Bed                             Metal Wicking Bed




Services Offered


-        Wicking bed workshops, design and construction services; garden design; biodiversity conservation project management; school and community garden development consultancy; nature based educational programs.

My first wicking bed Flaxmill Primary School Alice Springss Closed Bed
Old school community garden Alice Springs open wicking bed Metal wicking bed

 Products offered

-        Betta-Grotm hinged propagation trays; Ebb & FlowR Mat Irrigation

-        Betta-Grotm hinged propagation trays; Ebb & FlowR Mat Irrigation





John Bentley


9 Cox Ave., Tongala, Victoria, 3621 


03 5859 0258 

Experiences and Qualifications 

I’m a former water bailiff and a fitter and machinist by trade, currently I’m employed in hardware and farm supplies and a turf wicket curator.  

Farming and gardening have been in the family genes for many generations and I’ve been an avid gardener for the past 35 years. I stumbled upon Colin’s original website while researching my submission to the VEAC re: river red gums. 

Nearing 3 years ago my health wasn’t too good, I had an angiogram which cleared me of any heart problems, but was diagnosed prostate cancer. I have always preferred to have fresh home grown veggies, etc and of late I have redoubled my efforts at growing fresh veggies using minimal water and chemicals. 

Wicking Beds Constructed 

 The original bed I constructed, on the left, was an in-ground job 3x3m approx some 2.5 years ago and it blew me away. Within 12 months


the soil in the wicking bed was better than my conventional garden bed which I had been nurturing for 14 years prior. 

Eighteen months ago I constructed 2 above ground wicking beds of similar size (3x1.5m) with the initial result very encouraging. However, I did run into problems with drainage and subsidence after torrential rain in March, 2102. I have taken some steps to rectify this problem. 

It was during this period of rectification that I remembered something from my water bailiff days that I thought may alleviate having to use plastic as a liner at the bottom of the bed. We used to use bentonite when repairing leaks around structures in irrigation channels. This is the same substance used by farmers to seal dams to prevent seepage into the water table. It is my intention to trial this over the next 12 months. 

Services offered 

General advice on the construction and operation of wicking beds – free of charge 




Philippa Coltart

Philippa Coltart <>
I live in NSW mid coast (Port Stephens)

I now have about 10 wicking beds (some better set up than others)

I am interested in the 'sponge' method as well - to hold water. We are only on rain water so always looking for ways to make every drop count!

We have a big water catchment area behind us (mature eucalyptus) so need to create swales/drains/ plantings to slow down and hold water -  our own 1/2 acre block and the land behind us approx 18 degree slope

I have Mollison's 'huge' book to refer to but I see your recent research as being complimentary.
Victoria, Australia

Name. John Ashworth

Address. n.a.

Telephone. n.a.

Experiences and qualifications. Polymer Technologist, Industrial Design,
Quality Systems, OH&S, Manufacturing/General Management. Lifelong Gardener.
Organic for last 20years.

Wicking beds constructed.

    2 Above ground wicking worm beds (1500 x 900x x 600mm {h}).  (2700 x 1650 x 600mm {h}).
    3 Patio wicking worm beds        (900mm x 600 x 600mm {h}).  (1800 x 380 x 600mm {h}).   (1800 x 530 x 600mm {h}).
    1 In ground wicking bed          (1500 x 500 x 400mm).
    8 Movable wicking bins           (60 litre bins 500mm high).

Services offered. Mentoring/support through my blog.

Products offered. None.

Web sites.



Alan Singleton


20 Jennings Street, Toowoomba, Queensland 4350


07 4639 5680      0424 996 540


I have been an organic gardener for many years. I started building wick gardens about four years ago and have been selling kits to schools and other interested gardeners since then. For the past two years I have been actively promoting the concept and selling to the general public both kits and gardens fully installed under the business name Watersaver Gardens.

Wicking Bed Range & Services Toowoomba Area

For gardeners living in the Toowoomba area I make beds to order and offer a full installation service with detailed advice on how to get the most benefit out of a wick garden. There many advantages to wicking beds apart of their water saving characteristics. Extras such as shade cloth, trellis and a range of colours are available. Standard sizes are:

600 mm x 1300 mm

1100 mm x 1300 mm

1100 mm x 2400 mm

Wicking Bed Range Australia-wide

The two smaller sizes are my Pop-Up range; simple to assemble and capable of delivery anywhere in Australia. They are available in the full range of colorbond colours. Freight is free to customers in Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria. Discounted freight applies elsewhere. A quote on freight for other products is available on request.

 The Pop-Up garden available Australia-wide

Other Services

Advice on all aspects of wicking bed construction and use is available via email or telephone (mobile preferred). I am also happy to organize workshops for interested parties and attend functions to speak on the benefits of wicking beds. I welcome local gardeners and visitors to arrange a time to inspect my own gardens. These services are all free of charge.


Discussing the benefits of wicking beds with the president of North Toowoomba Rotary Club

Web site



Name: Gilles (Jim) Blok

Location: Newcastle NSW

Address: 11 Symes Ave Kahibah

Phone: 0249438812 Mob 0411332366


Website: (under construction)

14 years bar manager in Amsterdam speaking 3 languages (German, Dutch, and English)
4 years owner Jim's Mowing Mosman franchise

Diplomas from the Netherlands:
Marketing,  financial management, operational management, staff and

Wicking beds constructed: 11 (2 in greenhouse)



Elaine de Saxe

Elaine de Saxe

Elaine de Saxe; general advice on home growing using wicking bins/self-watering pots.

Happy to have visitors to see and discuss home food gardening using
wicking bins. Deception Bay; please email to arrange a time.




Colin Austin

55, Kookaburra Park, Gin Gin Queensland 4671

07 4157 2278

Engineer, developed the Moldflow technology, built up one of Australia’s leading exporter of technical software and was world recognised as a leader in computational fluid flow

Started research into soil regeneration in the 1970’s and developed the wicking bed technology in the 1995.

I have had a triple bye pass and my wife Xiulan has diabetes so we have a mutual interest in healthy food

Wicking beds constructed

Has made a range of wicking beds from boxes, open and closed beds and wicking furrows and is now experimenting with the sponge bed for large scale use. 

Small scale wicking boxes





Name: Araluen Hagan

Location: Northern Suburbs, Perth, WA


I am of a science and teaching background.  Nearing completion of Certificate 4 in Permaculture, about to start Diploma of Permaculture. In doing these qualifications, I have worked on a number of community and private projects, some of which are incorporating wicking beds.
Currently setting up business doing Permaculture Designed Gardens, with am aim of also teaching Permaculture Design Courses as well as conducting short workshops on different aspects of permaculture.

Wicking Beds Constructed:
I have made wicking beds in old water tanks, raised garden beds and am in the process of making a wicking bed in a raised garden made of wine bottles.
I use the wicking theory when planting my fruit trees, which has been very successful.
I also use wicking in terracotta for germinating seeds and have successfully converted some terracotta planters into wicking beds, with the water reservoir buried underneath the pot. 

Services Offered:

I am happy to field questions and offer ideas. (free)  As of about June (hopefully), I will be able to come out and demonstrate or offer workshops in wicking, depending on interest. (this will be charged)

Products offered:


Registry of coaches

Registry of coaches

Below is a list of coaches, click to take you to their details return to bring you back here
New South Wales
Philippa Coltart   Port Stephans Mid coast  general advice
Jim Block   wicking bed construction and general advice
Northern Territory
Alan Singleton   Toowoomba  full service
Elaine de Saxe  visit by appointment only
Colin Austin  Gin Gin Advice on wicking beds and soils
South Australia
William Mansell    Full service
John Bentley   Advice on wicking bed construction
John Ashworth
West Australia
 Araluen Hagan  Full service
Chris Alstrin  Colorado

Name: Araluen Hagan

Location: Northern Suburbs, Perth, WA


I am of a science and teaching background.  Nearing completion of Certificate 4 in Permaculture, about to start Diploma of Permaculture. In doing these qualifications, I have worked on a number of community and private projects, some of which are incorporating wicking beds.
Currently setting up business doing Permaculture Designed Gardens, with am aim of also teaching Permaculture Design Courses as well as conducting short workshops on different aspects of permaculture.

Wicking Beds Constructed:
I have made wicking beds in old water tanks, raised garden beds and am in the process of making a wicking bed in a raised garden made of wine bottles.
I use the wicking theory when planting my fruit trees, which has been very successful.
I also use wicking in terracotta for germinating seeds and have successfully converted some terracotta planters into wicking beds, with the water reservoir buried underneath the pot. 

Services Offered:

I am happy to field questions and offer ideas. (free)  As of about June (hopefully), I will be able to come out and demonstrate or offer workshops in wicking, depending on interest. (this will be charged)

Products offered: